This post is sponsored by Serve from American Express. Sign up for
Serve and receive $10 credit towards your first use. Comment below within the next 7 days for your chance to win an extra $100 credit to your account!
Whew, are you giveaway'd {yep, that's a word... I just made it up} out yet? Well this is a big one so hang tight, read my post {pretty please?} and enter for your chance to win $100 on your Serve card!
On Saturday night, my mom, sisters, and I headed out to our favorite restaurant for a much-needed Girls Night Out... Or otherwise known as? Our annual Ho Ho Ho Down :)
Except this year? I signed up for a Serve account and was lucky enough to get $250 deposited into my lovely new account for us to enjoy a stress-free dinner together! How wonderful is that??

Serve you ask? It's an electronic payment system that allows you to send and receive money instantly! You can then use your Serve card anywhere that American Express is accepted {which is pretty much everywhere, right?} You can use it for shopping, gas, dinner... whatever your little heart desires! It can also be linked to a credit card and/or your bank so that way you always have funds in your account. Sooooo easy {
ahem, and awesome.}
We headed out to dinner without a reservation, which is kinda scary this time of year. When we arrived {umm, 4 minutes after they opened} it was already a 1.5 hour wait. So what did we do? No, we didn't leave... trust me, you wouldn't leave either. We headed to the bar, duh!

Once we got settled and our drinks were placed in front of us, our buzzer went off. After just 20 minutes. WOOT! What can I say... we're lucky. {Or someone didn't show up for their dinner reservations, but whatever.}
We were happy to see that we were given a cozy booth in the back corner of the restaurant. Perfect.

We had such a wonderful time just hanging out, talking, and enjoying some FABULOUS food.

Yes, we all got the same exact thing. What? It's so good! Filet Mignon and twice baked potatoes... nom nom nom.
After a few hours of delicious fun, the bill came and the night was finally coming to an end {boooo.} But one thing we didn't have to stress over was settling the check... I simply used my Serve card to pay for the meal!
Figuring out what everyone owed was super easy {especially since we all got the same thing!} Since they have Serve accounts as well, we simply used our Serve app and "split the bill" evenly. It also has an option to add the tip and simply insert everyone's email addresses and voila... everyone had their money instantaneously in their Serve accounts. It was so easy!
We had the BEST time at our annual Ho Ho Ho Down and I want to thank Serve for this amazing Girls Night Out! We all left with full bellies and warm hearts and thanks to you, it was so easy to settle the check! THANK YOU!
Remember to sign up for
Serve and receive $10 credit towards your first use. Comment below within the next 7 days for your chance to win an extra $100 credit to your account! Official sweepstakes rules and regulations may be found by
clicking here. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective, which endorses
Blog With Integrity, as I do.
Giveaway ends December 27th at 11pm EST! One commenter on this post will win $100 on their Serve account... awesome! Good luck!! =)

I am going to sign up right now!!!!
Signing up now!
Thank you jenni! :)
Oh, this is cool! Signed up and reading more about it.
Why have I never heard of this?! Awesome.
That is so cool! signing up now.
I signed up!
so much fun!!!
Looks like you ladies had a good time and that SERVE card sounds AWESOME! I'm signing up right now.
I just signed up!
Your family honestly makes me want to have two more girls :) I never had a sister!
I signed up for a Serve account!
purple_lover_04 at msn dot com
Hmmm...sounds kinda cool. I will give it a try!
looks like a fun night! I signed up, ajolly1456 at gmail dot com
I signed up!
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