04 October 2011

Wordless-ish | Because this is real life.

Yes, this post is scheduled. Because little ol' me? Well I'm enjoying my Disney vacation with my husband right now. And? I refused to bring my MacBook with me. It's home. Where it should be.

Carry on... =)
Yeah, so last week I posted my fall home tour pictures and got a bunch of comments using such nonsense words as "clean" and "clutterfree" and "IMMACULATE" to describe my house. I even think I saw "super hero" in there some where.

Well, I'm here to set the record straight.

This is what my house really looks like. I didn't go home and mess things up just so I could take these pictures.

This is real life people.

Real life is busy.

And dirty, apparently. {Oh, my mom is going to kill me for posting these... sorry Mom!}

The family room on any given week day.
Why yes, that's a dog hair tumbleweed. {They tend to make their way to the corner of every step in our house.}
But since it's from this handsome guy? We don't mind {as much.}
Anyone else having trouble with fruit flies lately? Because we are. We're trying to trap them in this wine/juice mixture. {It's working!} It's actually still sitting on our kitchen windowsill as of today. And? In my gorgeous Kate Spade bowl, nonetheless.
Our trash is always {ALWAYS} full. Always.
The place where shoes go to die. {Or? Just sit over night.}
Though it does sometimes make for cute pictures.
So, once we've hit our breaking point {which tends to happen every Sunday around 10am}... the house gets cleaned.
And even though it may look like this 30 seconds after we've finished...
...it looks like this about 10 minutes later.
And that my friends? Is real life.

I hope you are all having a fabulous week!

You guys? Rock.
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Unknown said...

Thank you SO much for posting this!! I thought we were the only ones that let the dog hair tumbleweed blow across the hardwood...this gives me hope. Now to just get the whole Sunday clean-up thing going!

Gillian said...

Thanks for hosting! And so you know, I have those pet hair tumbleweeds, too. Although, your dog's cuter than my cat!

Gillian from Baby Talk without the Babble

Mindi and Adrian said...

Love this post! Totally our house 100% and yes we are having the worse time with fruit flies right now. It's really annoying. Here I was blaming it on DH who left coffee in the coffee pot for days now.

Jill @ Momma Totally in Love said...

Great PosT!!! makes me feel so much better!

The Best of Both Worlds said...

Love this post! I just recently posted a picture of my son's room and how it looks on normal days haha. This is such a great post! I'm sure every mother with young kids has this!

the mom diggity said...

I love the real life pics! Because come on...we all know as moms of tiny people there is NO WAY our houses are clean for more than 10 minutes! I give it 5 minutes TOPS around here ;)

Gina said...

LOL - yep, same at my house!

Therese said...

I just posted my own messy house pics a few days ago, and so many people said their houses looked like that too! It's refreshing to know your not the only mom who looks out and wonders when the tornado hit your living room.

4little1s said...

Such a refreshing change to see these photos...its not only me then !

Melissa @ Growing Up Geeky said...

Ha, looks just like my house ;)

Unknown said...

I'm glad to see I'm not alone! :)

Rachel Joy said...

Great photos. At least I can your fall decor is still in tact =)

Unknown said...

Oh, I love you for posting this! It's real life and I'm so glad I'm not the only one! Ha ;)

Sarah @ Vol Family Life said...

Looks like my house, especially the dog hair tumbleweeds.

Meg said...

thank you so much for posting this! I had a friend "pop by" last night as I was frantically trying to head out for a jog with my toddler. There was an open suitcase from a trip we'd taken 2 days before, shoe closet open & spilling out, toddler with hair half up, half down, etc. I was horrified! I'm glad to know that other moms struggle with keeping things tidy as well!

kacy said...

ewww, your dirty. how do you live like that?

ps- is it bad if you don't have kids and your place still looks like that? just wondering, totally hypothetical.

Love, Chelsea said...

GASP! YOUR house looks like MY house ;)

Heather said...

ok thank you for posting this - it makes me feel better!

Alexandra Rose said...

Brilliant ! Keeping a house tidy with kids around is a 24 hour job. My daughter follows me around her room, when I put her things away, un-doing all my lovely work. I usually do a power clean when she's napping. Which gets un-done the minute she wakes up. At least we try :-)


Jen said...

Yup, that's what my house looks like with two kiddos! BTW, where did you get the wrought iron candle holder wallpieces above your couch? I LOVE them and that's exactly what I was looking for for our living room (we've only been in the house 2+ years but it takes me FOREVER to find things I like to put on the walls!) :-)

Jill @BabyRabies said...

Awww! I totally is real life. Looks VERY similar to the real life around here, too, dog hair tumbleweeds and all. We have a compost crock on our counter. The purpose of the crock over the old bowl we used to throw fruit and veggie peels and bits in was to keep the flies out. Yeah... not working. Blech.

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