But alas, I'm here.
And then today? I got an email from a reader. And it really upset me. Mean emails and comments usually don't bother me, I delete them and move on. But this one did. I love my readers and all, but this blog has always been for me. I've never tried to hide that.
It's also the end of an era. I removed my blog from Top Baby Blogs. I don't know... I'm just kinda tried of TBB. I just hate asking for votes. I'm over it.
TBB, you and me? We had a good run. And I thank you for the readers you gave me. But I'm moving on. Sorry. No hard feelings, ok? xoxo
So I don't know where I stand right now. I hope to be back soon. I'd love to tell you about the 4-girl baby shower we had for my sister. Or that she went into labor at just 35w pregnant on Sunday night {they were able to stop it.} Or that potty training will be the death of me. Or all the details of our Disney trip. Or even our lovely Sunday at the pumpkin patch with the kiddos that I missed so damn much while we were away.
I'd love to tell you all about it. I hope my inspiration returns soon. I really do. For now? Please bear with me. Because I really do love you guys.
Wow I'm sorry you got a negative email. I love reading your blog and your honesty. As a fellow mom of 2 kiddos, also a girl and boy, I relate to a lot of your posts. Hope you get your inspiration back but most importantly do what makes you happy!
Take your break! Sometimes there is too much real life to focus on a blog. I am there right now too. Aside, from blogging, I hope you and the kiddos are doing well!
understood, Ive grown a little blah on the blog world as well. Its fun to read here and there but I find myself hardly posting. I love reading your blog and have followed since you started it.
& I agree blogs should be for YOU....not what eveyone else wants. GL and just enjoy the freedom. Hope all goes well with the new baby.....prayers all works out for your sister.
Take some ME time and enjoy! Everyone knows you put so much into your blog, but at the end of the day, its your blog. F the people who don't get that :)
You know I've been there with the inspiration. Stick it to the man or woman in this case and just keep going. The inspiration will come back :) I promise.
p.s. letting go of the voting thing actually helps take the pressure off. For serious.
I will miss reading about you and your family while you are gone!
Girl, you do your thing. We'll be here when you return. I hate TBB or TMB...with a passion (but you know that)....and I just don't find it worth it. Blog because you love it, and when you find your mojo, come back ;)
Blog because you want to, not because you "have" too. Sorry about the negative email. Jealousy, it's all it is.
That's so not right. I'm sorry about the negative email you got. Take the time that you need and know that your faithful followers will be here when you decide to return :) Now go give those big babies of yours some hugs and kisses!
Sorry about the rudie :( There are times you just go thru this. When you feel like, is this worth it anymore? It's okay...
Sending you ::hugs:: from MN and I'll be standing by whenever you're ready to return!!
I just found your blog and I love it... Grabbed a badge and Ill be here when u get back...I don't ever think I'll understand negative comments and emails :/
I just recently discovered your blog, and I LOVE it!!! I hope you take your break and come back fully recharged!!!
Sorry about the rude comment. I don't know why people just can't keep their traps shut!!
I will be anxiously awaiting your next post, whenever that may be!!
So sorry to hear you got a mean email- people can be so cruel!! I hope u come back soon!!! I love your blog and will miss hearing about your beautiful family.
I am so sorry someone took time out of their day to make you feel badly. Some people just have nothing better to do, I guess. I don't know what they said to you that knocked you through a loop, but know they are probably misinformed, close-minded, self-centered, and I'd guess having a bad day (week, month, year) themselves. Unfortunately we all know that words can and DO hurt. Delete that email, cuddle those adorable kids, and get some snuggles from the hubby and remember all you are blessed with! No matter what anyone said to you, YOU are YOU and that is wonderful. Love and hugs from TX!!!
I'm sad :-( I love your blog and will miss reading it. Please be back soon :-)
I'm so sorry someone sent you a negative e-mail. Why would someone do that? If they don't like something, there is no reason they need to read your blog. :-( Hope to see you blogging again soon! Chin up ;-)
Hey girl, don't even worry about it!! We all go through "dry spells". And that's okay, I think it's healthy. And GOOD RIDDANCE to top baby blogs. I deleted my blog from that site months ago and it was so refreshing for me. I was able to bring my blog back to what it was meant for.... a journal for me and my family, as opposed to a competition. You made a good move. And believe me, we will be here when you decide to return to the good 'ol blogging world! We love you!! :) xoxo
I'm sorry you got a nasty email. :( Some people have nothing better to do with their time than to bring others down. I love reading your blog and I seeing pictures of your sweet babies! Take care of yourself and I truly hope you're back soon!
sometimes it really, really does suck when you get negative feedback.
I almost walked away from blogging forever thanks to some really nasty comments...
bottom line, make your blog about what you want and who cares what anyone else thinks.
I don't know what someone could say honestly, what would they have a problem with? Your cute kids? Haters gone hate. Ignore them.
We'll bear with you for sure! I say good riddance to TBB.
Jenni take some much needed time off!
You're a superwoman but even superheros need a break every now and then.
In regards to the mean email - just keep this in mind, whoever took their time out of the day to write a mean email to a blogger they probably don't even know is quite a sad person. Really, who has that much time on their hands?
From reading your blog for the past two years now, I've gathered that you live a very blessed life and unfortunately, there are miserable people out there who can't stand to see others happy.
With that said, thank you so much for taking the time out to have a cyber diary of your life and share it with us. Even though we don't know each other I feel like you and I have alot in common which is why every time I read your happy & positive posts, it reminds me that I too live a very blessed life and at that point, I forget about all the other stress in my life and focus on what is truly important, family.
Lastly, I hope you don't go away completely :( I know you have a bajillion other responsibilities but I think writing these posts are so great because some day, when the kids are grown, you'll be able to have these tangible memories. I wish I had a blog and I wish I had documented every little thing from the start of my pregnancy with my baby. Even though she's only 16 months old, I feel like she's changing so fast and its hard to remember every single little thing so writing it all down would have helped. Unlike you, I'm lazy and I haven't found the time to start my blog. But, someday I will!
dr. phil said it best..."hurt people hurt people." people get keyboard courage and think they can hide behind screens and lash out. let the haters hate!
take a break and return bright-eyed and bushy-tailed :)
we will be here on upon your return!
What Cece's Mommy said! Who could even come up with something negative to say about you and your blog? Shake it off, Mama, shake it off. ;-) God bless you and your family.
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