The winners are....

I know, I know... I'm bad. In my defense, I had a gift card and 30% off on top of sales so ended up spending like $20 total for both outfits {minus the pink Uggs} :)
I talked to my photographer {Steph!} about everyone's comments/concerns with the cream on Brynn {Steph's response: "let me worry about that!"} so I decided to stick with the cream sweater dress outfit and then changed option #2 to a pink sweater for some contrast...
The jeans are 12 months and they barely button over Brynnie's big baby belly. Poor girl...
Bob and I were both trying to stretch them out on her while we were squeezing her chubby legs in them {no worries ladies... I told her this was a completely normal thing for girls to do!} She was just smiling away at us. Hopefully they button for the pictures ;)

I actually did go to BabyGAP to purchase this sweater {since they were completely sold out of it online} and I'm so glad I did. They had THREE different color options in the store! After looking at them in person, and also holding them against Carter's dark GAP jeans, I decided that the navy was a bit too dark. So I went with the tan...

PS- It's $10 cheaper in the store ;)
Thanks so much for helping me choose! I still have no clue what Bob and I are wearing, but I'm hoping to figure that out after work today!
The other thing I wanted to quickly mention is that we finally picked out our new convertible carseat! {See original post here.}
Since Brynnie girl is big and fat {the exact way I like my babies ;} we needed to get a new convertible carseat pronto. We already have the Britax Roundabout and LOVE it, but the weight limit is only 40lbs. We decided the best option was to give Brynn the Roundabout and buy a new seat for Carter Man.
Thanks so much for all of your suggestions. After doing some research, I decided to go with the Britax Marathon...

Again... thanks for all of your help!
PS- I'm thinking of doing another card giveaway soon... stay tuned!
woot woot! first to comment!
LOVE the sweater dress and Carter's sweater! You guys are going to look amazing in the pictures, and I can't wait for the sneak peaks!! Thank goodness Steph gets them to you so fast so you can share with us!!
Oh my goodness...I LOVE the outfits you picked out. LOVE them. Did I mention I love them? Can't wait to see the finished product ;)
Great choices! can't wait to see the pics!
Those outfits are total cuteness!
love the outfit choices!!! we also just moved our baby girl to the convertible car seat... I couldnt believe the day had come for her to exceed the weight limit of the infant carrier. :(
Where is the sweater dress from? It's adorable!
Love the outfits! I want to order the sweater for my 2 year old and was wondering if you thought it ran small like the online reviews suggested?
Cant wait to see the pics :)
Those outfits are ADORABLE ! Can't wait to see your pics.
Can I ask you a question about where you are getting car seat safety ratings ? I was under the impression there was no such thing, that all car seats were tested to the same minimum standards but that NHTSA has use of ease ratings, which just rates the various features on car seats, meaning some features make it easier to install & use, etc. Also just an FYI but the new AAP recs are to keep them rear facing until 2 or the maximimum height/weight for the carseat. That is truly the safest way for them to ride. Just passing it along, in case you hadn't heard yet!
I LOVE Brynn's outfits, but I have to admit that I did not vote for that sweater for Carter. I just couldn't imagine my 2yo wanting something that high on his neck. Then I went to Gap today, and could not believe the adorableness that is that sweater! I had to have one for myself (well, my son). Can't wait to see your pics!
Oh crapola, I can't believe how organized you are with picking out these outfits. Our photos are tomorrow and I've got nothin.
Well, not nothing. I've got jeans and shoes for Landon. A sweater for Brigham. A dress for me. No clue what Dad will wear. It'll come together at the last minute, I'm sure.
Cannot WAIT to see the finished product of your photos though. I bet they will be gorgeous!
Thanks everyone!!
@ Crystal- The sweater dress is from The Children's Place!
@ Anonymous poster #1: I feel like it ran true to size. I ordered size 12 month for Brynn and it was just like all the other 12 month outfits she has (from Carter's, etc.) Good luck!
@ Anonymous poster #2: I googled "convertible carseat safety ratings" and got a TON of good info. I also looked at references like Consumer Reports and Baby Bargins to see their top picks!
Also, I do know about the new recs regarding keeping children rear-facing (really as long as possible) however, Carter grew out of the rear facing weight and height requirements well before the age of 2. Brynn will remain rear-facing until she grows out of them as well (but obviously past the age of 1.)
@ Molly- Ummm... I'm sure your pics will be just as gorgeous mama! Can't wait to see them!
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