If you're anything like me, then you love them. I love looking at pictures of people's houses and gathering decorating ideas for myself. I also love {love!} to look in model homes. Although you can't beat the character that you find in an old house {believe me, I grew up in a beautiful 150 year old Victorian} I've always wanted a brand new home. Something that you can see being built from the ground up. Something that you know is yours... first. Something that you've picked out and designed all the details, big and small, that will be apart of your new home. I can't wait for the day that Bob and I are able to build a new house...
But until then, we'll continue to renovate our current home. Room by room. Like we've done for the past {almost} 5 years.
Let's start with the outside, shall we? Our house is in a nice older neighborhood in a South Jersey town that's right along the Deleware River. While I do like where we live, I also can't wait to move. It's a bit too far of a commute into the city {Philly} everyday for work. If I had it my way, I would have moved closer to my parents town {or in my parents town} from the start, but the houses and taxes {gah!} are so darn expensive. Alas, here we are...
When we first started our home search, we knew our budget would only allow for a "fixer-upper." I'm very good at seeing the potential in a home, so house hunting was fun for me. I had no problem seeing past the sellers furniture, shag carpets, paint colors, and wall paper and envisioning what could be. And, for our home in particular, I knew that, behind the big bushes hiding half the house, was a home that could be adorable with a little love...
It needed a lot of love.
As I was searching through my computer for pictures of our home today, I realized that I have no idea where they all are! But here are pictures that I found from May of 2007:
Most recently, we got a new roof {can't find a pic, grrr} and new landscaping out front...
Next up on the home tour- the dinning room {including the old air conditioning box that the sellers turned into a flower & nick-nack shelf!} Stay tuned...
Looks wonderful! I appreciate good rennovations, we currently are still working on ours. It was a foreclosure that had nothing in it because the owners decided to steal everything, including all but one toilet and light switch. They did leave a nice spray painting on the kitchen wall though :) Good luck to you!
What is this word "we" that you used in your post today? I don't understand....
So cute! You guys did a GREAT job!
WOW you guys have done a great job!!!
Yay, LOVE home tours! You guys have done amazing on the outside, can't wait to see the rest!
Great job! Curb appeal can go a long way in sprucing up the look of an old home.
I've seen inside pics before on the nest and you guys have done a great job. Can't wait to see the rest :)
Looks like you've done a great job so far!
@ Confused a.k.a. my loving husband-
While I never claimed that I completed everything by myself, I certainly didn't sit around and watch either.
Didn't you see how wonderful I was at remodeling our kitchen, installing plumbing and electrical outlets, and converting the gas to electric? Watch out, the bathroom is next. I should start my own business.
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