I'm too tired.
Last night was one of the roughest nights we've had since we brought Brynn home from the hospital. And today has been pretty much the same. It's 4pm and I'm just getting a chance to sit down with my computer for more then 3 minutes at a time.
Miss Brynn did not want to sleep last night. At all. I still don't know what was wrong with her... your guess is as good as mine. She was up from 1:45am until about 5am. Mama's tired.
She wasn't really crying a whole lot... she was just very skwirmy and wide awake. Bob and I tried everything to get her to relax and fall asleep, but nothing seemed to work. Mylicon, feeding her, rocking her, shhhing her, burping her, rubbing her back and her belly... And that was only about half of the things that we tried.
Nothing. Worked.
And now I'm going to be completely honest with you {again}.... by 4:30am I started crying. I wasn't upset with Brynn at all... she's just a baby! I was just so frustrated that my baby girl wasn't happy and that I couldn't do a thing about it. I couldn't help her. That makes me so sad.
When Bob saw that I was upset, he immediately took over and made me lay down {which was impossible because, at that point, I was way past exhausted and wasn't really tired anymore.} I just wanted to help Brynn relax and figure out what was wrong with her.
By 5am, she finally fell asleep, thanks to my wonderful husband. By that time she was hungry again, so after a few ounces, she fell asleep eating. Well, that was until 6:30am when she got up for the day.
Again, mama's tired.
I'll try to write that post tomorrow...
Uh oh! So sorry you had a rough night. We've been going through a rough patch for awhile now and I'm sad I can't make my baby boy happy too! I hope it was just a fluke and brynn lets you sleep, er I mean, goes to sleep herself ;) it's rough dealing with a toddler AND a baby on no sleep!
I've been there. It wasn't so bad when Mady did stuff like this, I could nap during the day with her. This time around, after a rough night with Jake, Mady's usually up early too!
Oh you poor thing. I remember those nights...
I hope you get some well deserved rest tonight :-)
Sounds like you had the kind of night I had! My day was pretty much the same. I totally understand "mama's tired". This mama is overtired and desperate for some sleep, but it won't come, nor will baby let her sleep. It's good to know we're not alone. Hope you have a better day tomorrow!
oh gosh!!! get some rest hon!!
Hope you're able to get some rest. That's the worst, when you feel like there is nothing you can do to settle them down. Hope you have a better day today. I'm having a rough one myself :-(
I feel you. We're going through the same thing here (our LOs are the same age). Last week was great - this week - fussy, not wanting to sleep or only sleeping on me. Exhausting. Hang in there.
I'm sorry mama! Pie was like that for months. I had no idea it was possible to function that exhausted. Hope Brynn gets some sleep today and tonight, so you can too!
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