For most normal pregnant women, 5cm is defined as bring IN LABOR.
But not for this girl.
5cm is "oh maybe I'll see you next week, maybe I won't... but good luck walking around like that without your baby FALLING OUT."
It's hard to think about what happened at the rest of my appointment without going back to "OMG, 5cm!?!" but I'll try...
My BP was high. Now, I'm an idiot and forgot to look and I also forgot to ask my doctor exactly what the numbers were {again, FIVE CENTIMETERS?} but she just said it looked like it was starting to spike again and if it was "this high" next week at my appointment {May 14th} then she would move my induction up to May 17th.
I also talked about my concern with being so far away from the hospital {again, work is about an hour away depending on traffic/the time of day... one time it will take 35 minutes and the next it will take 2 hours} and she didn't seem overly concerned about it. She said the only time she would recommend going to a different hospital is if my water breaks while I'm in labor. Other then that, if I'm "just in labor" or "just my water breaks" then I'll probably make it.
Other then that, I did see that I gained another pound, so my total is now 23.
Oh, and my GBS results came back negative. Though I was positive with Carter and I know that it's really not that big of a deal, I was hoping to be negative this time because I have a feeling I will be delivering this baby girl on the side of the road.
I can't believe how much progress you're making without being "in labor!" Doesn't Brynn realize that her boyfriend isn't here yet, so there is no reason to rush?
5 cm! That's crazy. You are walking around, halfway dilated? Wow...
But hey! Half the work's done, right?
heh. Hope you're feeling well.
You poor thing! I can't believe how much you have progressed and you are still not in labor! How does that happen?
Shut - up! No way! Jenni, 5 cm! Wow. And here I was proud of my 1cm. I think you'll beat me to the hospital, lady. haha. I can't wait to see Ms. Brynn!
I'm excited for your birth story because I guarantee it's gonna be a wild ride...
holy moly. How are you walking around 5 cm?!?!?! Thats amazing.
Yay!!! Im so excited for you! I only saw the news now, was out allllll day! (will commence stalking your progress...now! :)
Oh man!! I hope you have that baby soon... and that you make it to the hospital with time to spare :)
Wow!! Maybe you will meet her this weekend!!?? YAY!!
Man, I am excited for you. Any day now. Actually, sounds like any moment ;)
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