24 March 2010

Top Baby Blogs

About a week ago, I decided to join Top Baby Blogs, a directory of about 1,000 blogs ranging from all things mom and baby. Once you join {it's free!} you get a banner that you are able to display on your own blog for voting purposes. Readers that visit your blog have the option to vote for you by clicking on your banner link {see side bar and below.}

In a week, I've moved up from #950 to #104, thanks to you! Readers can vote once a day, so if you like my blog and continue to come back, the votes are greatly appreciated! You don't need to fill out anything, all you need to do is click on the banner, and place your vote!

Help Our Rank & Visit Top Baby Blogs, Baby Blog Directory!

Thank you for moving me up so fast and please let me know if you are a member of Top Baby Blogs as well... I'd love to visit your blog and vote for you as well! =)

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~Mrs. JMS~ said...

I do love your blog!

But please dont become one of those moms that starts to do "giveaways" etc and sched conf calls with baby product mom pushing vendors!

You are one of the few "real" mom blogs that I still read. Keep up the cute stories and pics...thats what keeps me coming back.

jenni from the blog said...

I'd never do that to you, Jenn ;)

Sarah said...

Voted! I love your blog :)

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I did this awhile back. But then I changed my blog layout and forgot to put the banner back up there. Anyway, I voted.

jenni from the blog said...

Thanks Sarah and Molly!

Mol, add it back!!

Victoria said...

I voted for you! It inspired me to join so if anyone wants you can click for me at the mommy version:


jenni from the blog said...

Just voted for you, Victoria! Your blog is cute!

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