05 January 2010

January 12th

That's when it is. That's when we will have our level II ultrasound for Brynn's heart.

We have to wait another whole week. Ugh. The only good thing about having it next week is that, as I was on hold with them for 20 minutes yesterday as they looked for my paperwork from my doctor, the music and announcements that were playing said that they can get you in within 24 hours for serious cases. So maybe the spot on my baby girls heart isn't serious? I hope not. {Even though it's very serious to us.}

So, January 12th at 1:30pm. They said the u/s will take 2 full hours. On the one hand, I'm super excited to see my baby girl again and see how much she's grown in just 3 weeks. But on the other hand, I am also very nervous and hope the doctor says that we have a perfectly healthy baby.

One more week.


Cati said...

I'll be keeping ya'll in my thoughts and prayers!

Jill said...

Hoping good hopes for you all the way over here in frigid MN.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, waiting sucks. We had to wait 9 whole days for our level II. I was sooooo nervous. Especially filling out the paperwork that morning. But the doctor said that everything was fine and I'm sure it will be with Brynn too. I know the waiting is like torture though, believe me! Thinking about ya.

Anonymous said...
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Tiffany said...

That's my daughters 10th birthday, so I predict nothing but good vibes on the ultrasound for you! Praying for a healthy Brynn!

~Mrs. JMS~ said...

Hope this week flies by! Thoughts and prayers your way! Keep your head up!

Kate @ When Hello Means Goodbye said...


Jeannie said...

I will most certainly have you in my thoughts and prayers all week until that day and pray even stronger for you on January 12th!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you guys, Jenni!

Olivia's Mommy said...

Thinking of you guys! I had a Level II with Olivia when I was on bedrest they are that long because they check out everything. But that's good then this will put your mind at ease. I am sure it will turn out ok!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenni! Just checked out your blog haven't been on in a long time. Congrats on the pregnancy and its a girl this time how exciting!! Hang in there I went through this same thing when I was pregnant with Kaden it is so scary and stressful and the days drag on but everything turned out to be fine with Kaden and I am sure it will for you as well!! My OB/GYN told me that Echogenic Focus show up all the time and it isn't anything to stress over!! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and if you need anything I think you still have my email address!! Hang in there!! Tell Carter hi from Kaden and I!!
Brooke S. :)

jenni from the blog said...

Thanks so much everyone! It really means A LOT!


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