Monday- SangKee
Tuesday- Catered lunch with another office
Wednesday- Buddakan {and a trip to the Center City, Philadelphia Macy's to see the Christmas tree and light show- pictured above!}
Thursday- Fogo de Chao
Friday- Sangkee {again, but it is soooo good, lol}
And it continues next week with Qdoba on Monday and our holiday "pot luck" and Christmas movie marathon on Tuesday. I love my job.
This weekend, my sister is hosting an "Ugly Christmas Sweater" party and I can't wait to go! It's suppose to snow 6-10 inches though so that could get interesting!
Let's see, what else... hmmmm... oh, I know... our big ultrasound on Wednesday{!!!!!}at 8:30am {no worries, I'll post about it as soon as I can!} and then it's Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!!!!!! YAY YAY YAY! One week from today! =)
YAY! Can't wait to hear if Carter is going to have a baby brother or a baby sister!!!!
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