Bob and I went away to Ocean City, NJ for a wedding and our very first weekend away since having Carter {see posts here and here...and, yes, I drank at the wedding, but I didn't know!!} As you can see by the sunrise pictures at the end of the second post, I was up bright and early on Sunday morning, September 20, 2009. Not only did I want to get home to see my beautiful baby boy, but I also had realized that my period was now officially "late" and that maybe, just maybe, I could be pregnant. I told Bob on the way home that I was going to run to the store when we got home to buy a test. We were both nervous, but kind of excited too! It's the kind of thing where you know it's a complete surprise and something that you weren't expecting, but if the test was negative, we'd be kinda disappointed. Do you know what I mean?
So, after picking up Carter from my sister's house, I ran to the store real quick to buy a test. They were all out of the digital "Pregnant" / "Not Pregnant" tests {which I was kind of disappointed about} so I decided to buy a "Yes+" / "No-" test instead. I thought the "No-" would look a little nicer than the "Not Pregnant" staring back at me {yes, at this point, I was hoping it was positive.} I took the test as soon as I got home, and then waited downstairs {for what seemed like forever but was actually only 2 minutes} with Bob and Carter. I then ran back up to the bathroom to see this...

...and I think we were all really happy about it...

Yep, that's our "shocked & surprised, but extremely excited" look =)
Sharing the news...
We decided to wait a week and tell our immediate family the following weekend. However, as soon as we found out, I knew the best way to share the news was to order a "big bro" shirt from the ever-so-wonderful Rachel from Golden Shop. This girl is amazing. I've developed a wonderful friendship with her and when I told her the news {which was about an hour after we found out}, she was able to make my shirt with just 2 days notice. TWO DAYS!! Like I said, she is just so amazing. Here's Carter in his shirt:

Love this pic...

We then headed over to my parents house to share the news with them. It was my older sister, Kristi's birthday, so I was happy that everyone would be at my parents house for dinner. As to not hijack Kristi's birthday, I waited to share the news until after dinner, cake, and presents. When everyone was talking in the living room, I stole Carter, put his shirt on, and then let him walk in the room wearing it. Thankfully, I taped this one too =) I just love love love my dad's comment "why are you wearing a big brother shirt, Carter??" It makes me laugh every time and it's so typical of my dad to say that and not realize what's going on! Too funny =)
And this last video is just of Carter, the new "big bro" who did such a wonderful job sharing the news with everyone. Love this kid... He strolls out of the room like "okay, my job here is done."
The baby details...
We've already had 2 ultrasounds and we were able to see and hear the heartbeat twice. It was a beautiful 155bpm! I've also had my 1 hour glucose test. {Yes, already.} My doctor wanted to check for gestational diabetes as early as possible. I did not have GD with Carter, but since he was a monster baby {9.5lb born at 38 weeks exactly} it was just a precaution. I should be getting my results soon, so fingers crossed that I passed!!
My doc also said that second babies are usually larger :::faints::: so I'm a little nervous about this one, but we'll just "keep an eye on it" as well as my high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia that I had with Carter. Definitely praying for a healthy pregnancy.
As of now, my due date is May 29th {Memorial Day Weekend!!}, which puts me between 9 and 10 weeks pregnant. We're almost certain that I will go early again, so I'm thinking sometime in the middle of May. We'll likely find out the sex of this baby {I want to wait; Bob does not} and I guess it's time to start thinking of names again!
As for me, well I'm feeling great! A little tired {and chasing a toddler around really is not helping} but other than that, I really do feel wonderful. My belly is increasingly larger these days and I look like I'm about 24 weeks PG right now {belly pics to come}. I actually keep forgetting that I'm PG, but then I look down for a quick reminder.
Thanks so much for all the congrats and well wishes yesterday! I look forward to going through this with you =)
Awesome post and videos!!! How exciting! I can honestly agree about forgetting about it when you have a toddler to chase. Its seems like it was on the brain with the first but this time Im sure its diff.
GL and I hope all is VERY healthy!
So happy for you Jenni!!
What great moments to have captured on video!!! Carter did a great job :-)
Congratulations again and here's to a healthy and happy 9 months!
I can't wait to get home and watch the video's(my work computer won't play them)!
I hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy! Can't wait to hear all about the second time around!
That is such great news! Congratulations!!
Congrats again... love the videos. I thought I would share that Benjamin was 9lbs 8ozs and my second son Sean was "only" 9lbs, 2ozs so it is possible to have a smaller baby... just note I was MUCH larger with the second baby and he ended up weighing less.
best of luck
Oh my goodness! What a great video! That's so neat to have that moment on film! I love Bob's mom's reaction..a very nice jumprope technique! :)
Take care!
Oh my goodness Jenni! Those videos are just the cutest things ever! What priceless reactions.
Fingers crossed for a easy and healthy pregnancy. I'd shoot for a May 17th birthday, its a good day!
- eva
Congrats Jenni! I love the videos and the photos!
Congratulations again! I loved your videos!! So awesome that you were able to capture everyone's reactions! So special :-) My mom had the same reaction as your dad when she saw Brock in his "Big Brother" t-shirt! So funny! Can't wait to hear what you're having!! We are having a girl this time around and we cannot agree on a name! So GL!! Boys names are so much easier to pick out!
Congratulations! Hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy.
Yay, I love the videos! So excited for you and excited to have another blog friend to go through everything with me at pretty much the same time. I hope everything goes smoothly with the pregnancy and I will pray that you are not in for a 10 lb baby : )
Love those videos!! Carter is adorable!
These vids are precious Jenni :) Reminds of our good ol' bump days too!
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