Here I am on the beach the day before we found out. I was unknowingly 4 weeks PG at the time:

Here I am at exactly 7 weeks PG:

8 weeks:

9 weeks:

I talked to my doctor about this. Well actually, she brought it up. Some people have been saying that it's "just bloat" and that it will "go down"... yeah, not likely. It was confirmed by my doc last week... it's not bloat.
My doctor explained that, while it's very common for women to show much earlier with their second, the fact that my uterus previously housed a 9.5lb baby makes it grow that much faster than the "normal" second time mom. Ya see, your uterus stretches out much faster the second time and well, mine obviously knows what to do. So yeah, it's not bloat.... its my uterus.
Good times lie ahead for me...Craziness, right???
First of all, the new layout? Love Even the change between 8 and 9 weeks is crazy. I'm dying to know what you are gonna look like at 30 or 35 weeks. No matter the rate the bump grows, you look so cute. And think of the positive - you'll get LOTS of wear out of your maternity clothes! Which means they are totally worth the money. ;)
OMG! I didn't know you were expecting! CONGRATULATIONS! I really need to get back on the Bump more ;)
OMG!!! You arent making me want to do that anytime soon you know ;)
You are super cute though....just as much as last time. Congrats!
Love the new layout too.....youre trying not to be too Chistmasy I know it! :)
Thanks Kris, I LOVE the new layout too... I made it this morning =)
I agree, it's already time for maternity clothes... I busted out my clothes from when I was PG with Carter, but I definitely need more stuff! Maybe I'll take a quick trip this weekend =)
Hey Jenni,
I just got back from vacation... so I just caught up on all your news. Congrats! I'm so excited for you!!!
Thanks so much everyone!!
Danielle- Hope you had the best time on your trip... can't wait to see pictures!!
Wow!! Your bump is too cute! One of my friend's just had her second baby and she started to show a lot earlier too, but actually only gained ONE pound from 30 to 40 weeks! The little guy was still a big baby, 8 lbs. 8 ounces, but not as big as his big brother who was 9 lbs 12 ounces!
Jenni, you look so cute! Here's to a happy and healthy 7 more months!!!!!
A friend of mine just had her second and she began showing very quickly. She actually lost weight in the beginning but you would never have known.
I began showing quickly with my first. So much so that people were asking if I was having twins. I gained 50 pounds and had a 4 almost 5 pound baby.
Congratulations to all of you!
That is a very cute belly! It's only been 3 months for me, but seeing your belly pics makes me miss mine!
Congrats from KY! I also have 15 month old son ( did his 1 year bday invites) and I am expecting the same time as you. WOW! Looking forward to following your blog through this!
and I'm LOL right now...I too have ordered a "Big Bro" shirt for Ty from Rachel...great minds think alike :)
Wow! That is an amazing transformation!
I'm just 10 weeks pregnant and I'm hardly showing at all! I haven't told my friends, coworkers, or extended family yet. But you can't keep it a secret even if you wanted to! You're beautiful!
You guys are too sweet. THANK YOU!
Audrey- CONGRATS!!!
Too cute! Its amazing how much faster you start to show with baby #2! I didn't start getting my bump til 12 weeks this time around. But now at 24 weeks, I feel like I look like I'm 8 months pg! I need to get some belly pics on my blog... I haven't taken them weekly like I did with Brock.
Anyway, super cute! Congrats again!
OMG, you weren't kidding! That is definitely a belly alright. But it makes sense that yours would be larger than mine already. I do have one, I promise. That bridesmaids dress put marks in my skin it was so tight! I'm surprised the zipper didn't burst! I will be posting my first belly pic today on my update. Although, I had a pipsqueak in comparison to Carter!
You are adorable! :)
That has to be the cutest bump I've ever seen! You look great and I love your new layout!
Congrats on baby #2.. your belly actually scares me for when we do have a #2.. I can't imagine showing that early.. it took me about 20 weeks to show with #1!
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