Whenever people ask me what I want for my birthday, the answer is always "oh, it doesn't matter" or "you pick something that you think I'll like!" This year, not so much. I had 2 things on my wish list that I wanted for my birthday. It was 2 things that I have
wanted needed, but won't buy for myself. The first thing was new Bumble & Bumble shampoo and conditioner. It might sound like an odd request for a birthday present, but do you know how much that stuff costs??? It's wonderfulness though and I ran out of the bottles I got for Christmas. Luckily, Carter, the smart and cute boy that he is, bought this gift for me! He is so very thoughtful, isn't he!?!?!
The second thing on my short wish list was a new pair of sunglasses. The pair that I
am was sporting I bought on the Ocean City, NJ boardwalk for $4. Three years ago. I'm not kidding. So I really
wanted needed a new pair. A
good pair.
Thanks to my two wonderful sisters, I got them! They gave me a gift card to Coach for my birthday so that I could go pick out my very first pair of "real" sunglasses! Of course I wanted to leave my birthday BBQ on Sunday and head on over to Coach right then and there, but I had to wait until last night to get them.
Here they are: {
Coach Devyn in Tortoise}

Even Carter loves them =)
Aren't they beautiful? Everyone at work tried them on this morning and it made everyone look like a movie star. Maybe we should all take a turn wearing them around the movie set next door and see if anyone gets noticed ;)
Thank you so much Kristi and Kacy! You're the best sisters ever! xoxo
You are braver than me, lady! I buy the $4.00 sunglasses because I regularly break, scratch, or lose mine. :(
Me too Kristal! But I'm hoping that I can be responsible enough to take care of these. Ya know, since I'm THIRTY now and also take care of a 1 year old. I thought I'd start with Carter, and then work my way to the sunglasses ;)
yes, yes we are!
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