However, I'm not, by any means, a stroller snob. I don't have a $900 stroller, nor will I ever {no offense to those who do!} I have my Chicco Courtina travel system and my Maclaren Triumph and love them both. But I still enjoy looking around at strollers. Call me crazy {and I know you will, Kacy} but I just find it.... fun. I do the same thing with cars, so it seems fitting that I'd obsess over a baby form of transportation as well, right?
Which brings me back to the title of this post. I'm in stroller heaven right now. I ventured on to Albee Baby {great site, mamas... check it out} and have completely fallen head-over-heels in love with this stroller. It's the Kolcraft Contours Tandem Stroller and it is beautiful. See....

Or face each other!!! How perfect is this for siblings!?!?!

...has cup holders, lots of storage underneath, AND....

I hate you!
You LOVE me! We can be stroller twins =)
Love it! It would require another baby though...not quite ready for that just yet!
WOW! I am definitely going to have to remember this stroller when I have my second child. It is everything I have looked for in a stroller. I'm kind of afraid to go look at the price though. :o( Thanks for sharing!
That's nice and all, but what would I do with the 2nd seat? Have ANOTHER kid? :)
Before you get all excited.....I tried that stroller out in the store and it is a monster!!
It is seriously over 5 feet long and almost impossible to maneuver indoors and between aisles. It didn't turn very easily either.
Hopefully, before you have baby number two and NEED it they will make a more compact version. It does have the best features which is why I wanted it as well. We went with the BOB even though I insisted I wanted a tandem. I do love my BOB, it is just uber expensive (we paid $450).
You girls are too funny!
Thanks for the tips anonymous... I will definitely check it out before I buy it. I think double strollers are always going to be huge though, lol.
seriously? did you really just post this? i'm ashamed to call you my sister sometimes.
Perfect timing! We just got our 2nd BFP about 3 weeks ago! I have a follow up u/s tomorrow and have already been thinking about getting a second stroller! I'll have to look into this one. I like how compact it folds up! But shhh, I haven't posted it on our blog yet because I think my boss checks it out every once in a while and she doesn't know yet! But I really can't wait for YOU to have another beautiful baby! Get to work guys :-)
I was waiting for that, Kac!
The Bozo's- OMG!!! Congratulations! That is so wonderful =)
Thanks Jenni ;-)
That stroller looks awesome! I also stalk strollers constantly! I'll have to keep that one in mind for the future!
HA! great minds do think alike.... I <3 this stroller!!! I hate hate that when Gavin was a newborn in his stroller was facing away from me! RRR!!!
I too will admit to being a stroller stalker...there are SO many options and different accesories!! I love them and diaper bags...still trying to find that PERFECT bag, UGH!!
:-D thanks for posting so I know I am not the only one, he he!!
Very nice!
i stalk strollers too! That one is way cool. I need to research further.
WOW! I don't covet much but I wish my guys (twins) were small enough to warrant buying that ride! Too cool. Maybe I can go test drive it to see if they still fit. I have the double wide Jeep Jog... beautiful though.... "get outa our way" it is BIG! (Not always bad... but not always convenient either.)
I have it, and I was really excited when I discovered it as well. It's exactly what I wanted! I always had single strollers with reversible seats, but never found a double one within a normal price range, until this!
Unfortunately, though, they are not good quality. :( I got one of the first models, so maybe they changed. But the seats were tiny. about 7 inches back to front! Imagine sitting on it, like a perch.
Then they came out with bigger seats and sent them to me free of charge, so that's +1 for customer service.
But since the new seats were bigger, they didn't recline as flat (hard to explain), bothered the kid in the other seat, and worst of all, the corrugated plastic inside bent under the kids' weight. :(
The red handles on the frame faded and now it looks junky. The hoods are loose, and when the seat is reclined and you hit a bump or go off a curb, the hoods fall all the way back. Then you have to walk the 5 feet to the offending hood to fix it. Several times in one block.
It's such a great idea, but the execution leaves much to be desired. I hope they changed many of the details. If they did, I'd buy another one to replace the one I can't stand to use anymore.
I have that same stroller and I love it.. so do my girls. I hate that it's really heavy, but overall I'm in love with it.
when the time comes, you may also want to check out the graco quattro tour duo stroller (NOT the duoglider)... I was equally in love/lust with this Kolcraft Contours Tandem, but the seats are soooo so small. After much in store debate (& many in the stroller, out of the stroller trials for our toddler & infant), we ended up w/ the graco and we couldn't be happier. It's a dream - drives like a cadillac, tons of storage space and decent in terms of folded size :)
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