It's sad to say this, but my bedroom still had clothes laying around from our master closet remodel back in January {I know... I'm such a dirt ball, right??} While Bob tackled the downstairs rooms, I went through on Saturday morning and organized and cleaned all 3 of our bedrooms as well as the bathroom... yes including the toilet, tub and shower. Good times. I hopped out of bed at 8am and got to work. I was done everything and showered just in time to go shopping and out to lunch with my mom and Carter at 12:30! Not too bad! I got a ton of cute stuff for Carter and myself, including an adorable dress to wear to my sister's graduation {from grad school} this Saturday! Yay!
On Sunday morning, Uncle Ryan watched Carter while Bob and I headed outside to tackle the front garden area. We got all of our weeding, planting, and mulching done and it looks so pretty! We walked over and picked up Carter, then we cleaned up outside so I could take a few pics...

After all that hard work, Carter said he needed to go swimming in his pool :)

Hope everyone had a great weekend!
I just love him sooooooooooo much!!! house looks wonderful!
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