I have to share this real quick.... before we let for dinner,the 3 kiddos were playing on the floor at my parents house. I was trying to take a cute picture of them, but as soon as I busted out the camera, this happened...
Carter refused to sit still and started to climb over Ben.

So Ben decided to push on Carter's head.

And, of course, Carter got upset.

I love how Miss Grace is watching cartoons the whole time, lol. Also, I know I seem mean for taking pictures instead of helping Carter, but he's gotta get use to it ;) I did yell at Ben to stop after the last picture though!
Speaking of being a mean mom... on Saturday morning, Carter woke up and was happily playing in his crib, as Bob and I listened on the monitor. About 3 minutes later, I hear him cry and go to his room to get him. This is what I see....

He pulled himself up in his crib for the first time and got stuck. I guess he was too scared to let go so he started crying. Before helping him, I had to get a picture :) {I'm sure my sister Kacy is calling DYFS on me as we speak.}
On Saturday, we worked on stuff around the house and then headed over to a friend's house for a BBQ. I forgot to bring my camera with me, but I did get a picture of Carter after I dressed him...

Such a handsome boy!
On Sunday,
On Monday, we hung out at my parents house for Memorial Day and my dad's birthday! My mom was making a huge dinner for everyone {Chicken and Shrimp Scampi.... yum!} so while my mom was cooking, Kristi and I headed over to Target to get the baby pool that I have been wanting for Carter. The pool was only $35 and I had a Target gift card {that I completely forgot about from Christmas... I know, I know... who in their right mind forgets that they have a Target gift card??} so I only paid $5 for the pool!
Okay, so you're probably wondering what pool we got for him. It's the Banzai Baby Sprinkles Pool and he LOVES it!! Ben loved it too! Ummmm, Grace... not so much. But I think she was just too cold. Here are a few pics of the kiddos in the pool...
Ryan and I getting it ready...

Bob's turn...

There... all done!

Carter is starting to get use to it...

Little Miss Gracie Girl looking adorable {look at those chubby legs!!!}

Carter is lovin it... but not Grace!

On the slide with Uncle Ry...

I guess sunglasses are for eating...

The whole pool to himself!

So this "playing" leads me to my next post.... stay tuned.
...and down the slide he goes.

I think he likes it :)

Sharing with Carter Man!

Miss Grace says she is just fine on the towel, thank you!

Happy baby!

After forcing Carter out of the pool when his fingers and toes were wrinkly and his lips were turning blue, he played on a towel and watched Ben. My mom then came out with her camera and wanted a picture of the 3 kiddos together in the pool. So we had to put Grace and Carter back in. This was the shot we got...

I love how Ben is playing and doesn't care that he was two screaming babies next to him!
After the pool, Carter got a bath and was playing on the floor. He thought it was too hot for pj's...

Ut oh...

I love that you are the kind of mom that takes pictures of her kid crying.
Thank you Kris! Me too ;)
Great pics! Time to move that crib all the way down! :-)
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